Welcome to the Catch: A Bond Forged by Fishing
In the 12 years since Jake and Laura Grzyb cast their first line together, they’ve gotten married,started a guiding business, and travelled the world. Throughout it all, their shared passion for fishing has served as a point of connection and growth, bringing them closer together with every cast.
4 Min Watch | Fishing


[00:00:00.00] [MUSIC PLAYING]


[00:00:01.12] L.L. Bean presents.


[00:00:02.63] There was a time after we got married that I used the hashtag life of a guide's wife. I didn't grow up fishing, or hunting, or any of the things that I would say consume my life now. I didn't want to just be a life of a guide's wife.

[00:00:21.71] That's really good right there. Leave it.


[00:00:23.71] Fishing by a river.


[00:00:25.01] Oh, man, I hope he's hungry.


[00:00:27.32] A bite.


[00:00:28.01] The big one?

[00:00:28.64] Yeah, that's a fish.


[00:00:29.89] Bond Forged by Fishing.


[00:00:30.59] [INAUDIBLE]

[00:00:31.31] Yeah. Oh, so exciting.


[00:00:35.49] She reels the fish in. Smiling, she catches and releases.


[00:00:39.61] My love for fly fishing developed when I met Jake, my husband, business partner, roommate, best friend.


[00:00:49.53] Laura.


[00:00:50.19] Jake is intense, but fun and very serious about fishing. Are we having fun yet, Jake?

[00:00:59.72] I'm having fun just I'm--

[00:01:01.39] Just taking this very seriously.

[00:01:02.91] That's my job.

[00:01:03.62] Coming into our relationship I knew absolutely nothing about fishing. And I don't think I'm an obsessive person, but I got pretty well obsessed.


[00:01:11.53] Knee-deep in the water, holding tight to her pole, Laura cheers.


[00:01:15.49] She's come a really long way it was a steep learning curve to get there.

[00:01:19.93] I don't know what you're telling me to do.


[00:01:21.43] She casts the line.


[00:01:22.75] The role that Jake plays in my life beyond the obvious that he's my husband and business partner, but mentor because he's just incredibly zestful about life and goes 100% into everything he does.

[00:01:38.53] It's better to have hooked and lost than to never have hooked at all.


[00:01:42.01] He casts the line.


[00:01:43.13] I've been fishing since I was three years old or younger and the most memorable moments I have in fishing all revolve around her.


[00:01:51.09] Fish wriggles in the net.


[00:01:52.48] Watching her get that joy is more than I'll ever get from doing it myself.


[00:01:56.66] They wade across the river.

[00:01:59.29] Image of their cabin.


[00:02:00.69] Jake and I wanted to share our joy, our excitement, our passion with other people. We decided it would be fun to go into business together. We had the idea of opening a fishing lodge in Bozeman, Montana.


[00:02:20.91] Comes out of the lodge.


[00:02:22.38] So much of why we decided to do this together was to spend time together and to share with people this exciting world of fishing.


[00:02:33.03] Releases the wriggling fish.


[00:02:34.85] People always say marry your best friend. I don't go play golf with my buddies. I don't even go on fishing trips with my buddies. We go fishing Laura and I together and being passionate about that it's why we work so well.


[00:02:46.19] Laura holds a fish.


[00:02:47.89] Yeah.


[00:02:48.27] Release.


[00:02:49.15] That's fun. I think fishing has changed my life because it's giving me a place and it's giving me an arena to explore who I am and grow into the person that I am.


[00:03:02.08] Laura pulls back the line.


[00:03:03.97] Ooh, good fish, good fish. Feels like we've developed longevity because we've now got something that we can do together forever.

[00:03:11.38] [MUSIC PLAYING]


[00:03:12.37] Jake helps Laura step onto a boulder in the river.

[00:03:16.48] They embrace.

[00:03:18.81] Text, L.L. Bean. Be an Outsider.