Five Tips to Catch More Fish
Simple tips for fishing success.
2 Min. Read | Fishing
A mom and daughter fishing with spin rods.

1. Choose the best time of the day

Fish are more active in low-light conditions, when they feel less threatened by predators. This means you’ll have more luck in the early-to-mid morning, as well as the early-afternoon to evening hours. That said, if the only opening in your schedule means casting under the noonday sun, don’t pass on the opportunity. Instead, look for shaded water, take advantage of cloudy skies, and remember that fish don’t always do what we expect.

2. Choose the best spot

Fish like to hide under overhanging banks, around submerged rocks and trees, and in broken water, which helps them blend into their surroundings. These features offer your best bet for a strike, so seek them out and start casting.

3. Cast past

Once you’ve chosen your favorite spot (or, better yet, actually seen a fish), try to place your cast just beyond it, and reel into the zone, rather than dropping your bait directly on top of your prey. Otherwise, the fish will startle, and a scared fish is generally not a hungry fish. Plus, most lures take a few cranks of the reel to find their natural rhythm, which is key to getting a fish interested.

4. Wear polarized sunglasses

Not only do polarized glasses protect your peepers, they also allow you to see through the glare on the water so you can scope the submerged features that increase your odds of success. Polarized sunglasses might even help you spot the very fish you’re about to get on your line.

5. Steady does it

If you see a fish chasing your lure, it’s ok to get excited… just don’t stop reeling! In fact, don’t even change your rhythm too drastically; it’ll only alert the fish to the fact that something’s not quite right. And if you’re worried that your fish isn’t fast enough to catch your bait, don’t be: You might be fast, but you’re not fast enough to out-reel a hungry fish.

More Fishing Tips From Ryan and Janice


[00:00:00.00] [BOUNCY TUNE]


[00:00:00.00] A man and woman peruse the fly fishing gear in an L.L. Bean Retail Store and Hunting and Fishing store. Text, Catching On with Ryan and Janice. Presented by L.L. Bean. Janice O'Rourke.


[00:00:10.82] We have gotten a lot of questions from you that you're doing a lot of fishing but not so much catching, and I can completely relate. So I am going to turn to my amazing buddy at Hunt Fish, Ryan Pappas, the expert go-to guy because he's got some awesome tips for catching more fish. I hear you catch a lot of fish.

[00:00:28.76] I do OK.

[00:00:29.39] Yeah.

[00:00:29.72] I'm going to give you four basic tips that are going to get you catching more fish.

[00:00:34.22] Oh, that sounds good.

[00:00:34.97] All right? First one is time of day that you're fishing. All right? I'm talking sunrise and sunset. The fish will feed more actively in the mornings and the evenings. Next, now that you know when to fish, we're going to talk about how to find out where to fish.


[00:00:49.67] He holds up a pair of sunglasses.


[00:00:50.09] Simple cheat, sunglasses that are polarized.

[00:00:53.45] You're kidding. Really?

[00:00:54.47] Yeah.

[00:00:55.10] I love accessories.

[00:00:56.36] This is right up your alley.

[00:00:57.35] Totally is.

[00:00:58.01] So not only are they great for safety, preventing the stray hook or lure from hitting you in the eye.

[00:01:03.83] That's good.

[00:01:04.19] Also, the most important thing what we're talking about too is they're going to cut the glare off the water. You can see that trout the next time it's headed upstream or holding behind a rock. Or if you're looking in a lake, you could see the next time that bass is sitting on its bed.

[00:01:18.39] Oh, yes.

[00:01:18.99] OK? So we know when to fish. We know how to find out where to fish.

[00:01:23.52] Yep. And what to wear when fishing.

[00:01:25.65] There you go. And we also want to talk about another item that's going to help you know when you have a fish on.


[00:01:31.83] He holds spherical bobbers in both hands.


[00:01:32.10] Strike indicators or bobbers, a lot of people call them. So you see a lot of people who are fly-fishing using a strike indicator like this. And more of your spin fisherman will use something like this.

[00:01:41.64] And these bright colors won't bother the fish?

[00:01:43.35] No, no, no, because they're sitting on top of the surface. And typically, when you're fishing with a strike indicator, it's because you're fishing something below the surface.

[00:01:50.55] Oh, OK.

[00:01:51.06] So it's going to let you know when you have a bite.

[00:01:53.34] Yes.

[00:01:53.73] All right? So that's another great tip for you.

[00:01:56.82] It's great.

[00:01:58.08] Lastly, I've got fluorocarbon here.

[00:02:01.05] Fluorocarbon?

[00:02:01.98] Yes. So this is probably a step up from some of the basic stuff we've been talking about but very simple to use though. So what fluorocarbon does is if you put this between the lure, the fly, the bait, and your standard line, you're going to increase your odds exponentially.

[00:02:19.05] Really?

[00:02:20.39] This is invisible underwater, and that's the whole idea of it. So take a look at it.

[00:02:25.28] Ryan, you've just handed me an empty spool. There's nothing on here.

[00:02:27.92] That's what the fish thinks too when they see it because it's hard to see above the water. They can't even see it below the water. So there's a huge disconnect between the bait or the lure and the fly and your actual line.

[00:02:40.28] Yeah. So it looks like it's just floating in the water with nothing attached to it.

[00:02:42.98] You got it. It looks natural.

[00:02:43.67] That is amazing.

[00:02:44.57] So the fish is going to be more likely to come and strike whatever you're presenting.

[00:02:49.52] Ryan, you gave me some great advice today, including this one. I really feel like I have an advantage over the fish. Thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed these tips. I hope they help you catch more fish. If you are catching more fish, leave your comments below or any of your favorite tips we want to hear from you. That was great advice, Ryan. And I cannot wait to go test out this fluorocarbon. Want to help me out?

[00:03:08.81] Absolutely.

[00:03:09.17] All right. Let's do it.


[00:03:10.91] Text, L.L. Bean. Be an Outsider.